In one reddit post, a user called the explanation "condescending and disgusting," explaining that they felt insulted as consumers. The post was tongue-in-cheek and appeared to try to speak to people upset about Epic Games Store but willing to engage the argument in good faith, a seeming miscalculation in retrospect. They pair put up a blog post explaining their reasoning, citing that the money Epic was offering for exclusivity could help them make the game without stress and hire on more people to help out their beleaguered contracted programmer. Knowing that exclusivity deals, especially to EGS, tend to anger PC gamers for oftentimes a variety of reasons, Glumberland hoped to kill the controversy with kindness ahead of time. On Thursday, the developers at Glumberland, a husband and wife team made up of Rebecca Cordingley and Ben Wasser, put up a blog post announcing the Epic Games Store exclusivity. This small game that never really garnered much attention has become the flashpoint for a larger culture war over developer decisions, the Epic Games Store, and the validity of consumer anger and entitlement. While a Steam listing has been up for some time, the game has not actually been purchasable, and is coming to Xbox One still. Last week, the developers at the two-person studio Glumberland announced that they would be bringing their upcoming adventure game Ooblets to the Epic Games Store rather than Steam on PC for a period of temporary exclusivity.