Adding special effects using only computer trickery Putting your finished project on a DVD, videotape, or the Internet Covering more ground than the typical expanded users manuals you find in bookstores, Adobe Premiere Elements For Dummies is the book you need to get you through your first video-editing project as well as to return to whenever you hit rough spots and need instant help. In this book, Keith describes: Best practices for shooting quality video Picking the clips you want to keep and getting them into your computer How to use Premiere Elements editing tools to add an opening credits page, transitions between clips, sound, music, and ending credits. Author Keith Underdahl, also author of Adobe Premiere Pro For Dummies, is an experienced video editor who understands what new Premiere users need to know and how to best explain the topics. Adobe Premiere Elements For Dummies offers these same users not only a guide through all the how-to steps of using the software, but also a valuable reference on how to best apply the tools to a great video project. Do you fancy trying your hand at editing videos yourself but are not sure where to start Here are some beginner tips on video editing in Adobe Premiere. But the more natural way to do is just selecting your file and press the Delete button of your keyboard.Adobe Premiere Elements offers amateur and home moviemakers the opportunity to work with editing tools as powerful as those packed into Adobe Premiere Pro, one of the top tools on the market. For more options, take a look at our full list of Adobe Premiere Pro Cc For Dummies or use the search box. If you want to delete a file, you can right click on the file and press Cut. And if the arrow is pointing outwards of the file, it will allow you to extend it. And obviously, when the arrow is pointing inwards of the file, it will reduce its length. As you place your mouse cursor over the edge of your file, you’ll see that it becomes a red arrow icon.

If you want to adjust the length of your file, instead of cutting the file and then deleting the part you don’t want to use, you can simply adjust the length by clicking and holding the edge of the file. Adobe Premiere Pro CC For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Paperback Apby John Carucci (Author) 4 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle 24.00 Read with Our Free App Paperback 26.49 5 Used from 26.48 20 New from 26. Basic editing tools: Adjusting the length, deleting files Then by clicking, the file in question will be cut in half on the line that appeared next to the Razor Tool icon. To use that tool, place the Razor Tool where you want to cut your file. But once again, you’ll most probably only use the shortcut C. You can select that tool by clicking on the razor blade icon. The second tool you’ll use often is the Razor Tool which allow you to cut a file (clip or audio). This tool will allow you to move your clip or audio as you like on the timeline.